About Maggie

Maggie Williams, PhD, is a biochemist with over 10 years experience working in the lab, and as many years experience trying to explain what she does to both scientists and non-scientists. She loves the wealth of information the internet can provide, but often gets frustrated with it for two reasons. First, many bloggers and websites post a lot of information that may be true, but comes with no references to support it; it is hard to disseminate anecdotal evidence from true science. Second, the scientific information out there is often wordy and hard to understand without a degree in biochemistry or a similar field, and this means that most people can’t access it easily. She felt it was time that there was a blog out there that cited real scientific sources to explain the chemicals we use in our daily lives. Questions she asks are like these: What is the deal with new “safe” plastics? What does it mean to be “all natural”? What goes in to making food products like vegan “cheese”?

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